Volleyball Beach 365 League Rules

We are a self-ref facility. There will be a designated court monitor on site at all times to ensure that games are going on time as well as to settle any judgement calls between teams. Teams will need to report scores to the court monitor after each game.

  1. Matches will consist of 3 sets
  2. Rally-scoring
  3. First two sets will play to 21 with a 23 point cap. Third set will be played first team to 15
  4. Sides are determined by Rock, Paper, Scissors, or a coin toss
  5. A team must have a minimum of four players to start a game (minimum 2 females)
  6. No more than three males may be on the court at a single time.
  7. The FIRST match of the day will start at the scheduled game time. After the first match, teams will be allowed 5 minutes warm up time when the prior match has ended.
  8. 10 minute grace period will be allowed for teams missing players (less than 4 players, or less than 2 females). After 10 minutes the team will forfeit the game. Each 10 minute interval after will result in the forfeiture of the second and third game.
  9. Touching the net is illegal when the ball is in play.
  10. Contact with the ball can be made with any part of the body as long as it is a clean hit and will be counted as one of the team’s three hits.
  11. Back Row Attacking is illegal.(A player that is in the back row cannot come to the net to attack or block a ball)
  12. No lifts will be allowed. If a player lifts the ball, then the play is dead and the opposing team is awarded a point and serve.
  13. If a ball from another court enters your court, stop play immediately and replay that point.
  14. Each team receives one 40 second timeout per set. (three per match)
  15. Teams will have 2-3 minutes between games. The court monitor will warn each team at 2 minutes and again at 3 minutes if the team has yet to return to the court.
  16. Rainout weeks will be rescheduled for the end of the season.

Power 4s

  1. Any combination of Guy/Girl is allowed.
  2. Open hand tips are not allowed
  3. Overhead passing (setting) a serve is illegal.
  4. Overhead passes must not have any rotation on the ball! ZERO ROTATION! If you are not comfortable with overhead passing we suggest passing the ball with forearms.
  5. There will be absolutely NO SETTING THE BALL OVER THE NET
  6. Zero lift tolerance
  7. All players may attack the ball

Playoff Rules

General rules will apply to playoffs with the exception of the following:

  1. Matches are series best two out of three
  2. If a series is tied, the last game will be played to 15: win by 2 points and NO CAP

    Facility Rules

    1. Absolutely NO outside food or drink is allowed inside of the gated patio
    2. NO glass may leave the bar/ building
    3. Children should not be allowed on the court for the safety of all of our patrons.
    4. Unsportsmanlike behavior will not be tolerated at Volleyball Beach 365. Officials have the right to issue warnings as well as remove players. If you feel uncomfortable with somebody’s disrespectful behavior please report it to management.
    5. Stay on your side of the net. If you cross over onto the opposing teams court in a confrontational manor you will be ejected from the facility at once. 
    6. We ask all smokers to please use ash trays to help keep our facility clean. NO smoking inside the dome of any kind.
    7. Smoking and smokeless tobacco is prohibited on the court